Monday, March 31, 2008

Blood and guts

You can't read Leviticus without being struck by how visceral worship is. Fat and organs, meat and fire. This is no mental exercise. This is no mere attempt to understand and rationalize and get the right answers into the right blanks. This is reality slamming you in the face. All of the senses are engaged. Your eyes and nose and ears and hands are all aware of sin and God and judgment and sacrifice.

So. Here we are. No fat and organs - bread and cup. No meat and fire - wood and nails. I want this to be academic. I want to have Truth on a page for reference as needed. I don't want to smell sin, so I avoid the stink of need around me until I actually convince myself I don't stink. I don't want to hear the cries of the innocent sacrifice, so I deluge my ears with noise until I drown out even "It is finished". I don't want to look at the blood running down the altar, so I avert my eyes and miss the glory.

Then, finally, I can "worship" the way I like. Sterile. Clean. Safe. Dead.

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