Friday, October 3, 2008

Continuing Ed, anyone?

Psalm 86

"Teach me your way, O Lord,
that I may walk in your truth;
unite my heart to fear your name." (v11)

This stood out to me today. Here, God's greatness and mercy is being extolled. He does great and wondrous things (v10). What, then, does the psalmist ask for from this wonderful Fount of Every Blessing? In the first verses, an answer, life, grace, joy (gladden the soul), listening. In the last verses, grace and a sign. In the middle, though, are are six verses of praise and one request: teach me obedience.

Now, I'm ok with asking for life and grace and joy, but who would actually ask to obey? Only the person who is convinced that obedience is best for his own soul. If we believe God is arbitrary or cruel or aloof, we would never ask and seek obedience. If we, on the other hand, believe God is just and merciful and loving, we're fools to do anything else. Obedience is not about pleasing God (something accomplished solely on the Cross), it's acknowledging that his pleasure is our pleasure; that love overflows in love.

So, am I ready to set aside my own pursuit of death and decay and latch onto the only real hope for lasting peace? Help me in my unbelief.

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