Wednesday, February 13, 2008

As The World Turns

Genesis 46

This whole story reminds me of a soap opera, and we are cheering on the characters. The family has been revealed. And now one final moment. The moment between father and his son whom he thought was dead. You can feel the intensity. You can hear the dramatic music. Joseph sees his daddy, and throws his arms around him, and they weep for a very long time. Israel finally speaks and says, "Now I am ready to die, since I have seen for myself that you are still alive." Fade to black.

On a serious note, Joseph is a role model for those of us who have a soap opera family, friendship, church, work environment, etc. I am still amazed at his willingness to forgive. And not just forgive, but to provide for his family who sold him into slavery. How many of us can say that we would forgive our family 100% if they did that to us? I honestly can say it would be really really difficult. But I am called to do just that. To truly live out our Lord's Prayer: "And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." would be such a lifting of my spirit. God has forgiven me... who am I to not do the same.

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