Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Part Deux

Today has greatly impacted me. The Story is so evident when something like Genesis 45 is laid out alongside Mark 15. Joseph was a normal person whose life God used to point to the Story and bring a taste of restoration. But no matter whether it's Joseph or Paul or even ourselves, it all points to Jesus and brings Him glory. Once again, how is God calling us to immerse ourselves more fully in His story? Are we doing it?
Gen 45
:3 "I am Joseph!" - What's our reaction when Jesus reveals himself to us...the first time or the endless times following? Joseph was ready to bust before he said this...he wept so loud the whole court heard him. How much more so is the One who was utterly forsaken for your soul?

:5 And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life.
:7 And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to keep alive many survivors. :8 So it was not you who sent me here but God. He has made me a father to Pharaoh and lord of all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt.
God is at work for good - for life preservation - for keeping his covenant...always--throughout the whole of the Story.

:11 There I will provide for you for there are 5 years of famine to come, so that you and your household and all that you have do not come into poverty.
The brothers came to Egypt driven by their belly and in total need. But deeper than physical was the spiritual guilt and hunger they carried with them over what they had done to Joseph. Joseph could have had the revenge of a lifetime to his family or "slave-traders". But mercy and pardon and compassion and testimony of God's goodness are all that flow from this man God has spent years humbling. Not only does Joseph's family find food for their bellies, but also they find restoration and family and provision beyond their wildest dreams ("the fat of the land") in a time when famine and death were a way of life. Apply this to your life and Jesus!

Our lives as a backdrop of the Story...just like Joseph's. It's just around the corner. As we were reminded, it's within arms length of the world around you…the real estate you tread daily. It's something as simple as putting a month's worth of pride aside to drive up and ask forgiveness from a bank teller for jumping all over them because you thought they lost your license (ahem...personal? yep). Not tooting any horns here...I was way in the wrong. But after doing something as simple as that, not only have I felt incredible freedom and joy, but it makes me want to see where else I can be used to bring a little more restoration. B/c being a part of this story is just way too addicting.

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