Monday, February 25, 2008

Check in

How's everybody doing w/ the reading/relating to God? We've been at it together for almost 2 months, so no doubt the "work" of this has more than become evident. How are yall? Have you fallen off the horse? Is God doing stuff in your heart? What's up, folks?

1 comment:

Chitchat said...

First, I can't overstate the encouragement I have received from this little blog. Thank you to all who have participated so far. Each one has brought new depth to my experience of scripture.

I'd say my reading percentage is somewhere in the 90% range. The horse has bucked my a couple of times, but I've managed to get back in the saddle.

As far as change...well, we'll see. If anything, I'm seeing the hardness of my heart in a new way. I resist change and rationalize sin in so many creative ways. Simply seeing that has kept me on the reading track.